Okay, so now we're back to David Chu's China Bistro website again and now that we're armed with JavaScript we could do some really neat things with it. Number one is let's go ahead and fix the issue that we left over for the JavaScript part that we couldn't fix before, and the issue was this. If we squeeze the browser and turn it when the button over here comes up that the menu now is a collapsed menu. And if I click on that the menu comes up, but if I click anywhere here I really expect that the menu should collapse by itself, but it doesn't. So what we need to do is we need to attach an event handler to this button that after we click i, the second the button loses focus, which means I will click right here somewhere, so in other words in the JavaScript event handler speak it's the blur. On blur, on blur means that the particular element loses focus. Okay, so how do we achieve that? So first of all we need to figure out when to do this, right? We obviously don't want to do anything similar to this on blur when we're dealing with these big buttons. We only want to do this when it becomes this collapsible button. So if we actually turn on the Google Chrome developer tools
we'll be able to tell what the size is, and it's very clear that the button comes up around the 768, 60 something like that and that's a break point obviously that we had and we've established before. So let's go back to our code editor, and right now I'm located in lecture 59 in the after folder. That's where I'm going to be working from. In the before folders again, is a copy of the after folder the last time left over the David Chu website in the state that we left it over. That's where this before folder is. The contents of the before folder are, so what we need to go is to our script.js file and I have some code here that I've prepared for this particular lecture that we'll go over right now. So the first thing is we need to do something on blur. Well I'm going to talk about this in just a second, but before we do we really want this functionality to start when the dom content is loaded. Well, the thing is that we would love to do just straight forward JavaScript, but we can't because we need to use the jQuery library because the collapse menu was what we're trying to do here Is a plugin that is based, that is hosted in bootstrap .gs,, and it's based on and it's dependent on jQuery. So can't really avoid the jQuery library at least for this particular piece. And even though this query doesn't really include jQuery library you're certainly now equipped enough with JavaScript to understand what's going on. So let me go over in some detail as to what's going on here. The jQuery function name is actually $. That is exactly right. The name of the jQuery function is $, so what is happening here is there's a $ and then something is being executed as you could see the opening parenths and a closing parenths, so we're executing a $ function against that. Well, what that does in jQuery, the $ sign function is it's the same thing as the document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoa- ded", which means anything inside of this function that we provide in here that's what that $ function expects in this type of scenario that if you put a function inside of it what's going to happen is it's going to get loaded or this function is going to get executed when HTML has been processed, but before all the images and extra resources have been loaded. So, this is exactly basically the DOMContentLoaded event. So, this is what when this code is going to get executed. It's really as simple as that. So now, let's take a look at what's going on here. Yet again, we're reusing this dollar sign function. Well, the jQuery dollar sign function also has another functionality, and that is serves as a query selector. So if we out something in quotes inside the parens after the $, then that becomes or that serves as a selector so really this statement right here is no different than this statement right here that I wrote in the comments, which is document.queryselector then #navbarToggle. So what we're doing is we're selecting element with an ID navbarToggle. ANd if we go and look at our HTML. Let's go and copy that and move it out index.html and let's search for that. So this is our button right here, the navbarToggle, right? That's the button. So if that button loses focus, and as I told you that means on blur, and on blur just means .blur, which is exactly pretty much the same as we would do here. Once we would select it in a regular JavaScript we would say addEventListener and blur is the event. So this what basically we're doing here. We're saying that blur when that happens I want you to execute that function right here and this function just says the following. I want to first grab the screen width and you'll see we're doing window.inner width, which means it's the width of the browser itself not the entire screen of the monitor, and then if the screen width is less than 768, so we're basically checking if we're within that break point where the collapsible button shows up. If that's true, right? And that button lost focus what we want to do is we'll once again select collapsible nav, collapsable nav is that menu, and we could take a look at it right now if we go to index.HTML and search for collapsible nav, and there it is. So you can see that's all our menu items right here. So point is if we select that and apply this function called collapse with a value of hide. Now this collapse function and if you copy+N we'll go to boot strap and we'll search for it in here there's the collapse.js. So this whole thing is coming from inside Bootstrap, but is a plugin to jQuery. So we can't really avoid jQuery unfortunately at least for this course, or fortunately I guess. You now learned a little bit something new. Okay, so now that we'd collapse it we're good to go, and if we save that right now and go back to our browser. And now if we squeeze the browser to have the button show up if we click on the button the menu shows up, but if I click anywhere else the blur event will fire and this whole menu should collapse. If I click the menu collapses. Great, so now we're done with that little nugget and we're ready to move on to make the main part of our webpage become much more dynamic.
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