CAIG Center for Entrepreneurship

"We Turn Ideas Into Business"

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Object Literals and the 'this' Keyword


In the previous lecture, we saw how the this keyword behaves itself when it's part of a function constructor. That is, it's referring to the function itself, or the object itself when that function is invoked together with the new keyword. In this lecture, I would like to look at object literal and how the this keyword behaves itself inside of one. So I'm looking at script.js located in the Lecture49 folder. So let me go ahead and close the browser. And let's create an object literal. Let's call it literalCircle, since we've done circles before. And an object literal is just two curly braces, and don't forget the semicolon at the end. And we'll give it a radius of 10. Okay, so an object literal with a radius of 10. And we'll also put a comma, and we'll give it a getArea, and getArea is going to be a function, its value of this property is going to be a function. We don't need the name, we already have getArea, and we're not going to give it the argument either. What we are going to do is we're going to do console.log, and we'll console.log this right inside the getArea method. So let's go ahead and save that. And once we've created that object literal, let's go ahead and call the getArea function and see what happens when we do console.log(this). We obviously have not really yet, at least, calculated the area. So let's go ahead and save that. And we'll see that what's going on here is, this is no longer referring to the window object or the global object, but it's actually referring to our circle class or to our literalCircle, which is an object with a radius of 10. And if we open it up, we'll see that it has a getArea property and a radius of 10. So when an object literal gets created, this, instead of pointing to the global object, is actually pointing to the actual object that got created. Therefore, what we could do is, we can do return Math.PI * Math.pow, and we could say, this.radius to the second power. So this is referring to the literalCircle object, and it has a property called radius which is right here. So therefore this is perfectly legal, and it should work just fine. So let's go ahead and actually console.log the answer to our getArea execution. And when we execute that, we do get 314 and so on. So this actually worked just fine. Now, why is that? Why is it that this is working? Why is this keyword referring to the object instead of referring like any other regular function to the global object like window? Well, believe it or not, you already know the reason to this. And the reason you know this is because when we discussed object literals, I told you that this statement right here when you open the curly braces is really tantamount to what? new Object(). So when that happens, this is actually what's executed in the background. new Object(). Well, you see that new keyword again. And when we see the new keyword, the this variable inside of that object is now referring to the actual object and not to the outside window or outside global object. So this in fact works exactly like function constructors in terms of the new keyword. Right, even though the new keyword here is kind of implicit, well everything's here implicit, since this is an object literal. 

Now, there is a bug, or at least what most people consider is a bug, within the JavaScript implementation in every single browser, it's really within the JavaScript specification. And the bug comes out in this fashion. If inside getArea, I will go ahead and create another function, just like I can. And I'll say var increaseRadius. And it's going to be a function. And I don't need a name again. And I don't really need an argument here either. And inside the body of the function, I am going to go ahead and increase the radius to 20. So I'll say this.radius = 20. So now when this method executes right here or this line executes right here, this.radius should now be 20. So it shouldn't be 314, it should be a much larger area of the circle. So let's go ahead and actually invoke, which is defined, this function here. Don't forget the semicolons, because that's an expression. Let's go ahead and invoke this function right here. So now after this invocation, this.radius should be 20, and this whole line should execute with a value of this.radius equals 20. So let's go ahead and save that. And what do you know? It's still 314, and that's kind of strange. Well, let's go ahead and console.log what our radius is, so this.radius. What exactly is our radius before we execute this, but after we increased the radius? Let's go ahead and save that, and it's still 10. Now, where did this 20 go? Well, the way this works is that when you have an inner function within another function, this keyword starts pointing to the global object. And we can actually test this by saying window.radius, and this should say 20, and so it does. So this 20 actually got set on the global object instead of on our literalCircle object. So how do you get around this? Well, there's a common pattern that people use to get around this, and the way you get around this is you just say var self = this. So now that you have self, self is always going to be referring to this. And this, at this point, at least, is referring to the literalCircle object. So instead of in the inner functions referring to this, you always refer to self. So now, radius is equal to 20, and now this should update the radius inside the object literal, inside our literalCircle. So when we execute this line right here, this.radius should be equal to 20, not 10. Let's go ahead and execute this. And as you can see, now our radius is indeed 20, and the area is much larger. So this is the way you get around this kind of annoying JavaScript bug. And I guess there is a disagreement out there whether or not this is a bug, or this is intended and this is how it's supposed to work. Either way, it's not really very useful. And in fact, in the new JavaScript version, which is ECMAScript 6, this supposedly has been fixed. 

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CAIG Center For Entrepreneurship

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