CAIG Center for Entrepreneurship

"We Turn Ideas Into Business"

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Functions Explained

Okay, so now that we spoke about objects, it's time to speak about what functions really are underneath in JavaScript. I'm located in script.JS, and that is sitting inside the lecture 46 folder. Let me close the file browser here. And let's take a look at a very simple function, here function multiply and it takes two arguments x and y and returns just a multiplication of x and y. So the first thing I want you to know is that functions in JavaScript are what's called, first class data types. What that means is, is that whatever you could do with the variable, whatever you could do with an object you could also do with the function. You could pass that around, assign it to a variable which as you've seen before, you could pass it as an argument to another function, you could return it as a return result from a function. Functions in JavaScript are objects. They're regular objects that have some special properties to them. So since they're regular objects, I should be able to set properties on them just like I set properties on the other object. So for example, here I have a function called multiply. And let's test that it works. Let's do multiply let's say 5 to 3, multiple 5 by 3, and if we save that we'll see that, I forgot to console it out, let's console.log(multiply(5, 3)). And we should see 15 and we do. Okay, so now what I could do is I got set a property on the multiply function just like I set on any other object. Let's go ahead and set a property called multiply.version and let's set it to version V.1.0.0. And let's go ahead and console that log and let's console that log the actual function multiply. So we're not actually calling the function. If we call the function, we would have to put the parenthesis after it. But we actually just want to output the value of the function. Let's go ahead and output the value of the function. Let's save that and we forgot to put console.log. No problem. We'll fix that. And the value of function is the function code itself. So the reason that's happening is because every object has this inherent method or inherent function to it that's called to strings. So if we do toString, and call to string and we're going to save that and get exactly the same thing. So what we want to do is actually get that property version. So if we do, multiply that version, and now we save that, you'll see that the version has been set on our function. So our function is nothing more then an object. Now the fact that it's an object allow us to do quite a number of interesting things that are so useful in every application. Let's go ahead and actually erase a couple of these code statements so we'll just have the multiplied version. And what we'll do is we'll start making function factories. Okay, so let's call this Function factory. So what we're going to do is we're going to create a function. And the function's going to to be called makeMultiplier. And we're going to provide a multiplier for it. 

So what we're going to do is we're going to return a multiplier function out of this function. So we're going to say vaar myFunc = and we're going to make it equal to a function. So we'll do function and the function's going to take an x as an argument. And again, as I told you I will put the semicolon right here so I don't get confused later. And what I want to return is multiplier, where's my multiply multiplier, I meant to say multiplier. So, I'm going to return multiplier times x, and that's what I'm going to return out of this function. 

There you go. 

So now what I need to do is I need to now return this function as the return result of the function makeMultiplier. So what I need to do is say return myFunc, and now the value of this function. The value of this function that is sitting right here, is going to be returned as a returned result. And that allows me to do quite fun things here. Let's try to make a multiplier by three. So we'll say, multiply by three. And we're going to create a function that does that for us. Make multiplier and our multiplier's three. So now what multiply by three is, is a reference to a function that we made inside this function. So in order to invoke it, we'll do console.log so we can see it. And we'll do multiply by 3. And we'll put, let's say, 10. So multiply by 3, so it's 10 times 3, so it should return 30 to us. Let's go ahead and save that. And sure enough, it returns 30. So we can make another one. Let's say we'll make another one called doubleAll, so everything's going to get doubled, so we're going to say makeMultiplier again. And it's times 2, so now console.log, let's say multiply, or double it all, doubleAll, and we'll pass it, let's say 100. So this should return 200 when we save it. And sure enough it returns 200. So you see what we're doing here. We're creating a function, we created a function double 0. And the way we created it is by passing a multiplier into our make multiplier function. Or make multiplied function that creates a function for us inside of itself, and then returns it as a value. So, since again functions are just objects, we should be able to pass them around just like we passed around any other arguments to functions. So let's call this one passing functions as arguments. So let's go ahead and create a function called DoOperationOn and we'll give it an x, that's the value we want the operation to be done on, and the second parameter we'll call operation. 

So in this case let's go ahead and create the curly braces here. In this case what we want to do is we want to actually execute whatever function you pass to us on the value x. So what we need to do is return and it's operation and we need the parentheses in order to invoke the function. And it's invoked on x. Okay so let's save that. 

And now we could say result, var result, and we could doOperationOn and we could create a value or pick a value. Let's say 5. And let's say we want multiplyBy3. Now notice we're not passing multiplyBy3 with parenths. That would actually execute the function multiplyBy3. We just want to pass a reference to that function, multiplyBy3. So when we do that we get a result and the result will be multiplied by three passed in with a 5, so it's 5 times 3. So let's go ahead and console it out, we should get 15. So our result is let's go ahead and save that, and we do get 15. We can do the same thing again, result equals. We don't need to declare it anymore, because we already set. So, it's doOperationOn 100, and then we'll do doubleAll, so We are multiplying now. We're having a doubleAll as a reference to our function doubleAll that we created right here. And we're passing it into our doOperationOn as a reference to that function. And once we get it as a reference we could go ahead and put parens around it and pass it to x that we're passing though. So they do operation on and then we'll execute that function, return the result, and store it inside the result variable. So let's go ahead and cancel out again. Let's makes some space here so you can see that log and the result and this time it should give us 200 and sure, it does. Okay, so in this lecture, you can clearly see that functions are first-class data types. You can pass them around, they're nothing more than special type of objects. You can pass them around and treat them as objects, pass them as arguments, return them as a result of a function execution, and even set properties on them just like on regular objects. This is actually one of the core features that makes JavaScript so powerful and so flexible at the very same time. 

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CAIG Center For Entrepreneurship

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Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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