CAIG Center for Entrepreneurship

"We Turn Ideas Into Business"

Sunday, October 7, 2018


In this lecture, we're going to talk about JavaScript closures. Now, closures is a pretty essential topic to understand. In fact, without this concept implemented in JavaScript something like Ajax wouldn't really even be possible, and believe it or not closures is something you've already seen. So right now I'm looking at my sublime text at script.js, and I'm located in lecture 51 folder, so let me close the file browser. And let me give you an example that you've seen before. Let me create a function, and the function we'll call makeMultiplier, and we'll pass it an argument called multiplier, and in this body of this function we're going to return, and what we're going to do is we're going to return a function. So we're going to say return. Let's put parentheses around it, so we could see it a little bit better with a semicolon at the end, and what we're going to do is we're going to return a function. 

Function without a name, we don't need a name for it because it's just the value of the function, and the function that we're returning should be able to take one argument, let's call it x. And what we're going to do is we're going to return multiplier times x. 

So, this function makeMultiplier is going to take a multiplier that is supplied to it, some number and it's going to return another function as part of its return value that is going to take an argument, a number and it's going to multiply it using the multiplier provided in the outer function. So let's go ahead and execute this function. So let's say var double O. We're going to double everything and double O is going to be equal to makeMultiplier 2. So double O is now a function that doubles everything. So let's go ahead and say console.log double O, and let's say 10, and when I save that it will go ahead and take 10 multiply it by 2 and we should see 20 over here. So, let's save it and 20 is what we see. Okay, great. Now let's for a second understand how did this work out. The very first time we called makeMultiplier we passed it a value of 2. So now, when we get this portion right here it's really no different than saying var multiplier right there equals to 2. That's really what's going on. So, according to our rules I should be able to use this multiplier inside of an inner function. So, before I even get to the return let's go ahead and create another function. Let's call it function, I don't know. Let's call it function B, and we'll just say console.log multiplier is and we'll output the multiplier, and let's invoke the function right there. 

Now, when we invoke the function let's go ahead and do that, save it. We invoke the function it says multiplier is 2. Now, how does the inner function right here B know that the multiplier is 2? Well, we spoke about what happens when a function is executed. When a function is executed it gets a few things. Number one, it gets it's own execution context so it's isolated from everything else. Number two, it gets a special vis variable, we spoke about that before. Number three, it gets a reference to its outer lexical environment. So when a variable is referenced inside of a function the first thing it does is check whether or not this variable has been defined inside of it's local lexical environment meaning has the multiplier variable been defined inside the B function? And the answer is it's not, it's not defined. And if it's not defined it means the next thing that the JavaScript engine does it looks at the outside lexical environment of this function. Well the outside lexical environment of this function meaning where it's defined the outside of that is the makeMultiplier function. And the makeMultiplier function has that variable, so once it finds it it goes ahead and uses it in the function B that we're executing right here. Now, that's all great. Now, let's take a look at our return statement. The problem is that our return statement doesn't really create its own execution environment, because this is not a function execution. This is just a function value. This is the object a function that gets returned back to the caller of the makeMultiplier function. Okay, so if this is not an execution of the function that means it doesn't get its own vis variable. It means it does not get an out of reference. It simply gets returned to the caller. So now, when it gets returned to the caller in this line right here, so this variable is now equal to this function, and in the next line will be actually execute double all and pass it a ten. This function is now finally being executed, which means it is now getting it's own execution environment and it is now in this line right here. 

It gets its own execution environment, and it gets its own outer variable environment, and so on. So how then can it possibly know what the multiplier variable is? Because at the time that this is executing the makeMultiplier function is no longer in the execution stack. It's done. It returned whatever we needed to return, and is no longer functioning. It's done. It's part of the execution stack. Well, the reason this still works is because of JavaScript closures. Since a function like this returned from inside of this function JavaScript preserves its outer lexical environment memory space for this function, so this function can go ahead and produce what it needs to produce. So the multiplier is something that's still sitting in memory in lexical outside scope of this function. So even when we call doubleALL it will go ahead and execute this function. It will create its own execution environment. It will go ahead and look for the multiplier variable in its own execution environment. It will not find it and it will then try to look for for this variable in its outer lexical environment, and the outer lexical environment memory space will still remain even though the makeMultiplier function no longer exists. That's how we basically are able to trap or to close in whatever variables and whatever memory space is sitting outside of the lexical environment of this return function, and that's how closures work. 

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CAIG Center For Entrepreneurship

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