CAIG Center for Entrepreneurship

"We Turn Ideas Into Business"

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Part 3: Ajax Basics

So in the previous part of this lecture, we looked at ajaxUtils.js which is small library we wrote in order to make Ajax request to the server and process the response at least some what by being able to give our user the use of our library that is. And then this case it's just us. The use of our library to be able to give them the ability, to give a function that he'll be able to pass to us and will then get called when the server returns the response. So right now I'm located in script.js which is located in lecture 57 folder. So let's go ahead and close the file Explore of Sublime Text and let's take a look at our script.js. You can just as a very tiny review, ajax-utils.js is where we're defining our ajaxUtils object to which we have one thing attached, which is send request. And again send request is expecting a requestUrl and it's also expecting a responseHandler function. So we'll be passing in a value of the function and a request url. So let's go ahead and go to script.js and see what we're doing here. The first thing we're doing is we're adding an EventListener for dumb content loaded. So which means this is only going to execute when the page is loaded all the HML content, but hasn't yet loaded all the CSS or pictures and so on. Well we don't really have any pictures so either way. And then what we're doing is if we take a look at our HTML we have this button right here, and that's the only button in the entire HTML. What we're doing is, we're unobtrusively attaching an event binding to that button. So we're doing document.query select and we're saying the button. And that's the only button in the document, so therefore that's the only one should get returned. And we're adding an EventListener waiting a click EventListener. So when the user clicks that button, we want this function right here to get executed. So let's see what we're doing here. Well first of all we're setting var self = this, and we've seen this before. So and I'm setting up a name, at this point just going to be and empty string. And then I'm using our agency tools to call the server to get that name. So I'm saying agency tools, remember we set it to with a dollar sign. Let's take a look at it we bound the dollar sign global.$ajaxUtils to our ajaxUtils object. So, the ajaxUtils.sendGetRequest and we're providing it the URL. So we're giving it the URL of /data/name.txt, and it wants a handler function. Remember the response handler function? That takes a request object is going to have in it our response from the server. It's a little bit weird in JavaScript that the response object is still called the request. But it is, so we're just going to continue doing it. So the function is, again, we're defining it line. We're not providing a function value. But it's a inline function expression. And we're saying that this name right here should be returned, that's the name right here. And we want to request that response text. So request .responsetext or the response text property. Of the request object is what holds the response from the server. So we want to save that response straight inside Once we called the ajaxUtils and sent this request, now that the name is set, we're doing a query selector on the content and remember the content in the dot HTML is just this empty div place holder, so we're calling this content. And we are using the idea of the content. And we're saying that innerHTML should be h2Hello plus, that's that name right here, plus the exclamation point. So it should say Hello and the Yaakov Chaikin at the end. So let's go ahead and save that and let's go to our page and open up our Chrome developer tools so we can see the console, just in case. And let's go ahead and click this button and see what happens. 

Not quite what we expected, right? It says hello and there's nothing there. Well let's verify that the server communication worked. Let's go ahead and print out the self as the console .log and let's print out to see and make sure that actually contains the words Yaakov Chaikin. Let's save that, let's go here and we'll say Hello again. And as you can see, Yaakov Chaikin is returned. So what's going on, why isn't this outputting Hello Yaakov Chaikin? Can you tell what we did wrong? 

Well, what we did was forget that this is an asynchronous call. So what's really going on is, when we're executing this call right here, send request, it goes in and executes this call. And it immediately returns and goes and executes this second line right here. Remember that visual from the previous lecture that I showed you? When the Ajax call gets made to the server, the very next JavaScript line gets immediately executed. It is not going to wait for the server to respond before it executes this next line. That's because this call is asynchronous. So what do we do in this type of case? Well, what we do is we actually have to put all the functionality. That is, functionality that's based on the response from the server inside of our response handler. So we will have to take this whole line out of here cut it out and we'll go ahead and erase our console and we'll put it right here. 

And that's a whole line is going to have to be right here. And in this case we don't really need self anymore do we? We don't really need to have kind of a global or outside of this lexical scope name. We can erase all this. And we would just do var in here and say var name = request.responseText. And then when we're just doing a query selector, we don't even need self here either. I can see if it actually fits on the next line, and it does. So we're just saying Hello, name, exclamation point. And that's really all that our function or respond handler function is supposed to do. So all right, let's go ahead and save that. And now, when we go to our browser and click Hello, we actually get Hello Yaakov Chaikin. And this string, Yaakov Chaikin is coming now from the server. So made the full round circle from setting up the ajaxUtils to making a call to it. And remembering that is an asynchronous call, so if we're expecting something from it, we really can't do this after the call, we need everything to handle that response inside our call back function which is what this handler call back was about. 

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CAIG Center For Entrepreneurship

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Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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