In part one of this lecture, we spoke about faking namespaces using JavaScript objects such that certain variables and functions can coexist in the global scope without stepping on each other's toes, so to speak, but there is something you could do to go even further. A lot of the times when you have a bunch of functionalities sitting in a script, a lot of it is not really something that you'd necessarily, even want to put into some namespace. Sometimes, just wanted to execute when the browser loads that JavaScript. You just want it to execute and kind of go away, so you don't necessarily need to put it in any space. So for example, if I didn't want to hard code the string saying, hello, if I wanted to, for example, let me cut it and say greeting. In this greeting, I just want to declare as a regular variable. So, I just want that to be a string. So, I just want to be able to use that string inside of my sayHello function. Well, I could do the same thing var equals greeting in the script number two and say, var greeting. So this time, I want to say, Hi and it just substitute it with greeting. Well, and we kind of have exactly the same problem again, don't we? Greeting now is going to be part of the window object, part of the global object in script two and in script one is going to be again, part of the global object. So once again, I'm now going to end up with Hi Yaakov, Hi John instead of hello Yaakov, Hi John. Well, one more thing we could do is introduce something that's called immediately invoke function expression. Let's go to our and I'm actually going to comment this out for a minute, and show you what an immediately invoke function expression is. I'm sure you've seen a function before that in this course that we've done where let's say, we're going to go ahead console.log say, "Hello Course!". So in order to now for us to execute this function, we need to say a and put our parentheses behind it and go ahead and save that and now you'll see "Hello Coursera!" and you'll also. Remember that I could save this function in a variable. So I could say, var a = function log "Hello Coursera!" and this is exactly the same thing. If I save this, you'll see, you'll refresh and it'll say, again, 'Hello Coursera!". Well, the way we execute a function is by putting these params behind its name. Well, remember, function is just a value. This whole thing is nothing more than an object, it's a function object. So technically speaking, I could just wrap it in parenthesis right here as just an object. So if I save it again, nothing really changes. Well, how do I execute a function again? I execute it by putting parenthesis right behind it. Well, then, it follows that if I erase this variable right here, I can invoke this function right in line by just putting parenthesis right after its declaration. So, this declaration right here is going to produce a function and the parenthesis right behind it is going to invoke it immediately. So this is what's called Immediately Invoked Function Expression, otherwise, known as IIFE. So immediately, one functional expression. It's an expression, because this line right here or this set of code is actually something that produces a value, that's an expression, something that produces a value. Well, what value does it produce? It produces a function object and then we're taking that function object and we're just putting parentheses right behind it, and that invokes that function object. And therefore, when we save, we're once again, going to see "Hello Coursera!" and I could certainly even pass parameters through it. For example, if this function wanted a name to be passed through it. Instead of just saying say, Hello, I'll just say Hello + name. So if I execute it right now, what do you think it's going to say? It's going to say, Hello undefined, why is that? Well, because it's asking for a name to be passed through it and we're passing nothing through it. So let's go ahead and pass Coursera and when we save, it will say once again, "Hello Coursera!". So in the same vein, let me go ahead and comment this out. So you have it for your records, so to speak and I will uncomment the Greeter. If I do this again, it still say, hi and hi. So, how can we separate that? Well, if we go to script1, we could wrap this entire thing with parenthesis, (function) and wrap this whole thing into a function. So now, this whole thing is sitting inside of a function. Technically speaking, I could just Indented a little bit like this, so this whole entire thing is sitting inside of a function. And if I just leave it like this, this will be kind of dead, because all I will be doing is declaring a function. Well, I don't want to just declare it, I actually want this code to execute. So in order to get this code to execute and execute just a load of script.1.js, all I need to do is put parentheses behind it and put a semicolon. So now, this is going to execute the second it loads. Now if I save that, this is not really going to work. Why is that? Well, because in app.js, yaakovGreeter.sayHello is undefined, is not defined. So, where is yaakovGreeter? Because this is at this point is looking in the windows object to see where yaakovGreeter is and yaakovGreeter is not defined there, because now we've put it in its own execution context. So yaakovGreeter is only living inside of this function. So, how can we expose this Yaakov greater to the window object? Well, we could go ahead and pass the window object as part of the parameters to the function and we'll say, window here.
And at this point, when we say, yaakovGreeter, we can even do it right at the end. We could just say, window, that's this window right here .yaakovGreeter = yaakovGreeter. So, now what we've done is we've exposed our yaakovGreeter object and we've placed it into the window object. We can expose it to the outside. So now when we're in app.js, yaakovGreeter is indeed exposed to the outside. So let's go ahead and save that and now you can see Hello Yaakov, Hi John. And the truth of the matter is even here, we still want to do the same thing. In fact, let's go through it this way. Usually, the way I want to type it up is not try to wrap those curly braces all around. It's very confusing that way, but instead do this. You have parentheses, you know there's going to be a function inside of it and I know I'm going to want to invoke that function. So really, I'm going to put the parentheses right behind it and put a semicolon at the end. So now all I need to do is declare this function and the function is going to have the parentheses right behind the word function, and curly braces. And now I can just open it up and take this entire thing, cut it out of here and maybe even indent it, place it over here. Let's indent it a little bit more and there it is. Except, again, the johnGreeter, we want to expose that johnGreeter to the window object, to the outside. So we'll go ahead and pass the window object here, and pass it in here, and now right at the end or we could do it right here. It doesn't really matter where, but we could do it right at the end. We could say that window.johnGreeter = johnGreeter. So the window johnGreeter we're creating a new property on the window object and we're setting it to the johnGreeter, that is the object that we set inside of this execution context of this functions. So we save that and now we see, Hello Yaakov, Hi John. So notice we're able to use something that we want to expose outside and it was whatever we wanted to expose outside, we simply placed it as a property on this johnGreeter object and whatever we wanted to use inside like a greeting. So, like almost like a private variable. We could still use and we could still use it inside the function and we don't have to expose it to the outside. And at the same time, this greeting who is not going to collide with this greeting inside the yaakovGreeter or inside this function, basically, but not inside the yaakovGreeter, just inside this function, because each one of those variables is being defined in their own execution context. Meaning, in this function and this greeting is being defined in this function. So what we've done is we've learned about namespaces or at least how to fake namespaces in JavaScript, which is totally legitimate and we also learned about how to utilize immediately invoked function expressions.
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