CAIG Center for Entrepreneurship

"We Turn Ideas Into Business"

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Part 1: Coding the Footer

Okay, so we made pretty nice progress with our homepage. We've coded up the header. The jumbo tron and our main tiles that will let us have navigation. As well as a map showing where the restaurant is. And letting the user click on it and get directions directly to the restaurant. So the last thing we're going to be coding on this particular page is the footer. So basically we need to code up this piece right here. And the way we're going to do it is we're going to make sure that it stays this way, in other words, in these three columns through the small screen size. And as soon as it goes down below this small screen size, we want them to stack one upon the other, maybe even give them a horizontal line in between them just to give it a visual distinction. Okay, so let's go back to our code editor, and I already have some code prepared for this lecture. So I'll copy and paste it in a second and we'll go over it. However first let me give you a quick tip. It's very convenient sometimes to end the div, especially in a page that goes on for a while, has a nice amount of content, to end it with a HTML comment that will basically say it's the end of whatever the div it is, that you're pointing towards. In this case, it's the div with an ID home tile. So if I actually scroll up, my ID or my editor is going to help me out say, this is the div that I'm actually on. The closing div I'm on is corresponding to this one. But however, visually sometimes it's hard to tell what's going on. So it's helpful to put these type of notes in. Okay, moving on to the footer. Well, if it's the footer I guess we should use the semantic tag footer. And we're going to give it a class called panel footer. And what panel footer class does is sets some default background, some padding, and things like that. So this is a convenient class. Inside that panel, we're going to a panel footer. We're going to have a div that is a container. And, the container is going to nicely correspond to our container in every single section. So, in the main section, we also had a container that basically had, I believe, the whole main content in it. And, in the top, in the header of the site of our website we also had a container as well. So, they should all very nicely line up. And of course since we're going to be subdividing this into these three cells, or three grids then we're definitely going to need the container in order to place the next div in here that's called the row class div. So, here we go. So this is the row class. And, the way we're going to divide it, as I told you, is we're going to have these three sections. One, two, one section's going to be just announcing what hours the restaurant is going to be open. The second is going to give us some address information. And the third is going to show the testimonials meaning just give a couple of quotes from customers. So again the way we're going to divide that is we want three grids or three cells across the screen, and we want them to stack as soon as it gets to be smaller than the small screen size. because as you remember this means this will stack as soon as it gets to be smaller than the small screen size. Which is I believe about 768 pixels, so around 767 pixels you'll be become extra small and, all these sections, will start stacking one upon the other. And since we have, four, as our column, identifier, it means that we're going to have four, four, and four, that's twelve, so, we're going to have, three different sections visible across the screen. 

Okay before we go into trying the stylist, let's just take a look at the actual information here. So here we have a span and this span has a break after it so we want basically a break line to go here. And then it's going to have the hours, again a break, it's going to have other hours, again a break and then it's just going to say Saturday closed. Now the reason we kept the span only on the hours is because we want obviously the hours to be a little bit of a different font and maybe a different size than the rest of the information. And the rest of it is going to be pretty much the same. Now we're going to anticipate that it's going to stack under when it gets to be smaller then the small size and the extra small size, and therefore we want some kind of a other visual distinction between these sections other then just some spaces. So we're going to place the horizontal rule right here HR, the HR tag and we're going to give it class visible xs, which means this HR is only going to show up, when the screen size is extra small. And if the screen size is any bigger than that, this HR is not even going to show up, so we're good to go here. The rest of it is basically exactly the same. It's the same structure, we have the section, the column definition, and the span with some paragraphs here, and again we're going to be able to target them specifically. And again in HR that's going to be only visible when the screen is extra small. And the testimonials are pretty much the same except here we have some paragraphs and that's about it. The last div here before the footer ends is just the copyright sign that is David Chu's China Bistro 2015. Probably should just change it to 2016 at this point. And we place the copyright sign here as well. Okay, let's go ahead and save that and go to our browser and take a look as to what this looks like. Okay, so looks pretty bad, but the positioning is pretty good, right? So the default colors of the footer didn't really quiet agree with this whole thing. So, it's kind of hard to really see what's going on here, but if we squeeze the browser. Let's go ahead and do that. 

And let's see, this is still pretty at the small range, see what happens when we go to extra small. And extra small, you can barely see it here, but this is the text and you can see the line here showed up the HR, the horizontal rule. The address and the copyright here is also working quite well, it's sitting right in the center. Okay, so let's go to stretch our browser back out and go to the code editor and let's scroll down a little bit below the ending of the header styles. Should be right around here, here and the header. And let me copy and paste at least some of the styles that I've pre-baked for the footer. So we'll start the footer styles right here. So first of all we're going to give it some margin, we'll want to kind of separate ourselves from those tiles that are going to be right above it. And we're also going give some padding as well so we kind of separate within the actual footer itself. And padding-bottom also let's us separate a little bit better from the very bottom of the edge of the browser. And we'll change the background color so it's something that's decently able to be seen on the screen. And we'll give it a border top zero. We don't want the border untapped. Notice what I'm doing here, I'm actually overriding a bootstrap css class. Which is fine because whatever it is that it's providing for us is going to merge and some things are going to get either negated or just overwritten by what I've written here. So let's save it right now and let's go back to the browser and take a look how we're doing here. It's looking, much much better so far. We still need to style a BS, maybe the separation a little bit better and still need to style these headings a little bit better as well. Well let's go ahead and try to do that. Let me go ahead and paste a couple of styles that I prepared for this lecture and let's go over those. So the final style, panel footer div.row is basically targeting that whole entire row of the address, the testimonials and so on. And we want to give it a margin bottom of 35. So actually let's go ahead and comment out the rest of it so we'll see what actually is going on. Let's save that and let's go back. And we can see that we separated the copyright from the rest of the row and it's now looking a little bit nicer, because the copyright really has nothing to do with these three cells here in this grid. That's one. The next one is, 

we're going to increase the line height a little bit of the address and the hours. And if we go back we could see that we separated it a little bit better. So it's not so kind of squished in together. So it's still looking pretty good. And as far as the testimonials are concerned we left them alone because we want to apply a little bit of a different style to them altogether. So, let's go back to our code editor, and let's move our comments all the way here. And let's see, now what we're doing is, we're increasing the font size of anything that is within span. So our span and address span is going to get the font size increased by about 30%, 1.3. So as we save that and go back to browser you can see now that the hours and the address headings stand out a little bit better. And you can see that that's actually a heading and the information is right below that. Let's go back to the code editor and move our comment down a little bit more. 

So with a #address p, what we're targeting is we're targeting that, let's go and take a look as to what we're targeting. In the address we're targeting that delivery area within 3, 4 miles, and that we want to have to stay kind of green and smaller because it's a kind of a note on the side. So let's go back to our styles, and say we're making this green and this font size we're making a little bit smaller. And the line height we're making a little bit smaller as well. The line height before was 2, so in this case we're making it just a bit smaller to 1.8, just to kind of squeeze them a little bit better. So let's save that and go back to our browser. And you can see here that this turned green and also line height is just a tad smaller than the line height between these two lines. 

Okay let's go back to the code editor and move our testimonials, actually all the way down here, so we'll erase it all together. Let's take this spaces out of here. We don't need them. Okay. So, the testimonials, we obviously want them to be italic just to make it look like it's actually people's writing. So it at least reminds people that it is something personal. And testimonials and pnth-child(2). So the number two one we want the margin to be 25. So what we're saying is. Let's go back to our HTML but what we're saying is that the second paragraph, I want the second paragraph to have a margin, a margin top of 25. So I want to be able to separate the second paragraph from the first one a little bit. So let's save and take a look as to what that looks like. You could see there's now this area right here is about 25 pixels, so we separated the first testimonial from the second one and you could see also that both of them are italic so they look kind of nice. So that's it for part one of this lecture, and in part two we're going to start looking into styling this footer so its laid out nicely even in smaller screen sizes.

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CAIG Center For Entrepreneurship

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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