Okay. We're ready to go on our field trip. We will meet Amy, the owner of the restaurant, who will be creating a website for in a sense of what she wants in her website, and maybe even get lucky and interview some customers to get a unique perspective about the restaurant. Let's go. [MUSIC] When you get right down to it, this really is all about setting expectations. Whether it's expectations about what the client is expecting from us or our expectations of what the client is going to provide. So, if we can achieve that of communicating those expectations very clearly, we've done our job. Seriously, how many computer science courses do you have to take you on a field trip? [MUSIC]
Taking a job, Guy Fieri. >> [MUSIC] >> [CROSS-TALK]. >> [NOISE].
>> David Chu's how can I help you? >> [MUSIC] >> Yeah, I come to this restaurant very often, usually about once a month or twice a month. >> I would come here once a month with my wife. >> I always enjoy the atmosphere and I enjoy the service. >> I like the fact that it's Kosher.
And the fact that the food is very good all the time, consistently good. So that's why I like to come to this restaurant. >> Me, personally, I always eat chicken, that's my favorite dish. >> And I can also, when I don't finish much ample portions, I can take home. Tastes good. [LAUGH] I mean that's why I like it. It's the type of thing which I expect a good Chinese dish to have. >> I love the chicken itself, I just love the way it's made. I enjoy it. >> Have you ever heard of Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering? >> Of course. >> You think it's a good school? >> It's absolutely a good school. >> The food is exceptional, and I know it's Zagat rated, so I can always trust that the food is going to be fresh and ready to eat. And, I always enjoy it. >> Joseph Rosenblatt, class of 1964, Hopkins. >> So you actually went to Hopkins? >> Yep. [MUSIC] >> Hello. >> Hi. >> Ready for our meeting? >> Sure. [MUSIC] >> So if you had to do a little self-criticism, Is there anything about the restaurant you would want to improve?
>> Yes, to get a better website. >> Get a better website, that's a very good answer. [LAUGH] >> Thank you. >> Okay, so what I did was I prepared a few websites for you to look at and what I want you to do is, I've pulled them up on this iPad here. What I want you to do is take a look at them. And let me know, these are all sites of Chinese restaurants. And take a look and see if you like any of them and if you want your website to be kind of similar or something like that. >> Sure. >> And you can scroll back and forth over here and take a look. And if you do like it, what do you like about it? What appeals to you about that website? Or what doesn't? What do you not want to come out of that website? What do you like about it? >> The colors. >> You like the colors? You like the colors. >> Very clear. >> You like the fact that it's clean and looking very clean, okay. >> Yeah. >> Okay. >> And the item are very, very user-friendly. >> User-friendly? Looks very user-friendly to you? Okay, so this site looks very user-friendly to you, okay. >> Yeah. >> And it looks clean. >> Very practical. >> Very practical, okay. Very good, very good. So you like, this the type of site you would like. Okay, that's good. Is this something like, obviously we're not going to do these colors for your website, because your website is going to be more with the colors of the restaurant. >> Of course, I mean, I understand. >> But you like this setup. >> Yeah. >> So we're going to have some decisions to make as we go and develop the website. You know, we're a good thing, stuff like that. Can you designate one person who's going to be responsible for all decisions regarding this project? And who would that person be? >> It would be me. >> It'd be you, so it be you who's deciding. And you're pretty much available so we can call you if there's something going on and there shouldn't be a two-week type of wait before we hear an answer. We need something for a decision. So you'll be able to decide? >> Yeah, no problem. >> Okay, great, very good. So we can do that. So let me explain to you a couple of what the process is going to be like. Basically, we're going to create a mockup of the website, not the real website. So just a mock-up, a drawing of the website. And we're going to show it to you and basically see if you approve of the way it's going. And we'll give you three revisions, three times that you can update the thing and say, I want something different a little bit. And after that, you'll try to finalize it. Are you okay with that? You're okay with that type of setup? >> Yes. That's fine. >> Okay, great. Okay. You saw the pictures on that website and you really like the fact that there's pictures on there, right? >> Yes. >> So pictures that have usually, especially, a website like this is very important. Would you be able to commit to providing the entire menu of the restaurant? So, we could come and bring a photographer and actually take a picture of every single item on the menu. Would you be okay with doing that? >> Yeah, as long as still be kosher menu- >> [LAUGH] >> That's fine. >> It'll still be a kosher menu, yes. >> [LAUGH] >> Absolutely. Okay, so very good. So we'll bring a photographer in, and then you'll basically have to cook every single item in the menu, and we'll bring it out and the photographer will take a picture. >> Sure, that's fine. >> Okay, excellent. Very good. So this is a Kosher restaurant, is that correct? >> Yes. >> Kosher restaurant? >> We're Kosher. >> And so what does that you know, in terms of cooking and if there's a dealing with stuff. What does that mean for you? >> We have a [INAUDIBLE] here. >> You have somebody who is a supervisor. >> Yeah, nowadays, people start making a lot of ingredients with a Kosher logo. So that means we have a lot of choices. >> So I spoke to quite a number of customers that you have here and not everybody wanted to be on camera, but everybody loves your food. >> Thank you. >> Do you like chinese food yourself? >> Of course. >> Do you eat all the chinese food a lot? >> Of course. >> Really, okay. >> [LAUGH] I'm a Chinese. >> So you're not sick of it. So you're not sick of it. >> No, not at all. >> So you eat it, even though you see it everyday in the restaurant you're not sick of it. >> No, not at all. >> Okay good. >> I never get tired of chinese food. >> This restaurant is actually pretty cozy. And it's small- >> Thank you. >> But at the same time it feels kind of cozy, it's relaxing, right. Is that kind of the feel you're trying to go for? >> Yeah. >> On purpose? >> Yeah. >> Okay, so now we're ready to leave the restaurant and start designing and coding our website. But before we do, one of the most important rules is, don't ever code on an empty stomach. I know you really are anxious to start coding the website. But I'm a little busy. So I'll be right back. [MUSIC]. We'll do the website after this.
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