CAIG Center for Entrepreneurship

"We Turn Ideas Into Business"

Friday, November 2, 2018

Part 1: Coding the Menu Categories


Okay, so now that we have coded up the front page, the very main page I think it's a good time for us to review what the Navigation Structure is going to be like. Well, the Navigation Structure is actually going to be pretty simple. When the user first comes to the front page, they'll have an option to click on this menu button, or they can click on this menu tile, and they will end up at the exactly the same place and where they will dub is the menu categories page. So, this is the menu categories page and all this page will do is list categories for us that are part of this menu with a picture associated with it and the name of the category. Now, one of the categories is called specials well that should remind you of something, on the very front page we have a tile called specials. Well, all that is, is just a direct link to a particular menu category called specials. So, point is when they click in the menu they will end up in this view, which is going to list, all the menu categories with their pictures and the names of the category. The same thing will happen if they click on the menu button right here, they will also end up with this menu category page. Okay, so let's go back to the code editor and we'll start coding up this page. Okay, so here I am in sublime text in examples of folder lecture 37 in the after folder. And even though the structure of the page or the pages in the end product is going to be a little bit different once we introduce some JavaScript and start writing dynamic HTML at this point, it's much easier, since it's a design stage, it's much easier for us to simply copy in the index HTML, and call it something like menu categories.HTML. So, we'll go ahead and do that. We'll just call duplicate and the reason we're calling duplicate is because a lot of the things that are inside index.HTML are going to be exactly the same. So, the header and the footer and the menu items, they're all going to be exactly the same it's the main content that's going to change. So, we'll call this menu-categories the HTML. So, there's our menu-categories HTML, we could close index HTML, we don't need it for now. So now, what we need to do is we need to wipe out, out of the menu-categories.HTML, anything that has nothing to do with that page. Well, all the menus, the collapsible things, they all have to do with it and the only thing that doesn't have to do with it is anything that's inside this main content container. So, we'll go ahead and select this, and we'll go all the way down. And it will say here, this is where it says end of main content very convenient. So, we'll press shift and we'll select all of that content and we'll go ahead and wipe that. Okay. So now, we're ready to start writing our menu categories, HTML, and if we look at this page in the browser, well this on is index.HTML. But now, if we click on the menu tile will actually end up at menu-categories.HTML, as you could see we only have the header, the footer, there is no content in the page. So, let's go ahead and start filling it out. 

So, the first thing we need to do is we need to kind of let the users know what page this is, right? So, we're going to go ahead and paste this h2, it's not going to be h1 since h1 is David Chu's China Bistro but h2 the secondary heading is going to be menu categories, that's the name of this page that we're at and we're going to give it an ID, menu categories title, that's going to be this ID and the class is going to be text center, which is a boot strap class, just to center the text in the middle. So, if we save that and go to the browser we should see a nice menu categories title here appearing in the middle. And the next thing, it really comes directly from the original menu and that's just a reminder to the customers about substituting white rice with brown rice and etc here. This is just real [LAUGH] real business stuff that has to do with this particular restaurant and again, we're just going to put in a div with a class text center just to center this in the page. Now, we're probably going to style this a little bit. Let's take a look as to what it looks like on the page. Actually it doesn't really look that bad. You might want to make it a little bit smaller we'll see. Okay, so that's basically it for the heading of the page. And now we need to start coding our tiles and of course, our tiles or the menu categories themselves, are going to have to be in a grid. So, let's go ahead and try to do that. So, let's go ahead and put the entire thing in a section. So, we're already inside a container right here, right? So that's a container class that means we don't need to have another container, but we do want a grid. So, we're going to go ahead and create a section with a class row, so we're going to put everything in one row. And if you take a look as to how we want to position this, we want six tiles across when it's a full browser and obviously as we squeeze it, we want to fit as many as possible that will still look good, but at the same time obviously some of them will need to be stacked. 

Okay, so I know each grid in the cell is going to be a div, we're going to surround that in a div and I have some code prepared for inside of each grid cell and I'll go ahead and copy and paste that right here. Let's remove that space right here. So, let's go over it real quick. So, we haven't really assigned any columns yet to this grid but this it going to be the content of pretty much every single grid. So, number one is, we're going to have a HHREF to single-category, HTML. So, single-category.HTML is really just going to be a generic page that we haven't even written, yet but it's going to point to that particular category that's going to be identified by this div and by this picture. So, each category is going to have a anchor tag pointing to a single category that HTML, which in this place is just a placeholder page, and in the future will be actually a designated either a page or we'll see how that works with JavaScript we'll be basically designating a place that will show this particular category. And inside of it we're going to have a div and a div is going to have this class called category tile. Obviously, a custom class that we've created and inside of it we're going to have an image of 200 by 200 and this is something that we've sized before. And the image source is going to be in images. And actually that's probably the wrong path. So, let's take a look at images. Is going to me menu and at this point let's just pick something like B.jpeg. So, it is images, then menu, then /B /B.jpeg and let's save that for now and we'll call this particular category lunch. Even though I don't think that's what it is. But, at this point it doesn't really make any difference we're just styling each of these categories that they should fit in the page, and then we will fill in the actual data later. Okay, so far so good. Let's go ahead and preview it in the browser. And obviously, we can see the picture, and lunch is somewhere to the right, and things are obviously not styled 100%. Okay, let's go ahead and copy this whole div which is going to be our grid cell and let's paste it a few times. Basically paste it three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Let's say that's good enough. Now, we actually have a grid. And they're all going to be really the same the only thing that's going to be different about them is where they're going to be pointing in terms of the URL in the a HHREF tag and where the image source is going to be pointed but other then that they're going to be all the same. So, let's go ahead and start styling our grid. So, what we wanted to do is we wanted to have six of these things basically in one row and then, whatever doesn't fit should go ahead and spill over to the next row not technically a next bootstrap row but just the next row visually. Som how do we accomplish a six cell layout? Well, that means that each cell is going to have to cover two columns. So, let's go ahead and do that. And we probably want the six category layout even at the medium size screen so we'll do column md and 2. So, if that's going to be the case, that means this is going to take 2. Let's go ahead and copy that, and we'll just insert it into every div. 

Okay, so let's go ahead and save that. And let's take a look in the browser to what we have. So, we see right away here that this isn't really going to work because you can see that the pictures are kind of stepping one up on the other and this is at the full size, this is even at the large size. So, definitely as we squeeze this, this is not going to work very well they're kind of stepping up on each other. 

So, what that means is that the, six picture layout is really not going to work, so we have to kind of rethink that. So, the six picture's not going to work, how about we try, four pictures across. 

We can try that very easily by just selecting those two, let's go ahead and select at every single place all across our classes selecting this two and changing it to three. 

Okay, so that's that, so go ahead and press three, so every single place has changed three. So, now what we're going to have is four pictures across the screen. So, lets go ahead and go back to the browser. Well,even though it looks all messed up at the moment, it does look kind of okay, in terms of the pictures fitting in the screen. So, things are kind of messed up here but we'll take care of that in a minute. Okay, so that sounds about right. And let's go ahead and start styling some of the things inside the actual cell using our styles, that's CSS. Let's go ahead and style CSS and let's scroll down to somewhere maybe under the homepage. Here's the footer, here's the homepage and we'll scroll down right around here. So, let's remove that space over here, and let me cut a paste some of the code that I made before the lecture, and we'll go over it right now. So, first of all the category tile. Lets go ahead and take a look at our HTML here. The category tile is that inner tile inside the ATag. So, the category tile is all that and we kind of have the very same type of structure that we had In a menu tile and the specials tile is that we have some text. In this case, it's actually just an image and then we have a span and we're going to target that span and position it absolutely within the div element itself. So, the div element will be like a relative anchor for the span that's inside of it and we're going to put it on the bottom. So, let's go ahead and take a look how we're doing it. So, first of all, the title itself is going to be relative like I told you it's going to be the anchor and the border, we're going to have a nice border around it. The overflow will be hidden so if anything's sticking out in terms of the picture whatnot. It should not be actually sticking out and protruding it should just be clipped. And since we know that the picture or the image is going to be 200 by 200, we're going to go ahead and style the width and the height to be 200 and 200 pixels. And we're also going to have some margins the top will be 0, they, right will be auto. The bottom will be 15 pixels, and the auto is going to actually carry a word to the left as well. So, this is that same trick we spoke about before as to how to center something as long as you give it a width and you give it auto on both sides margin right and margin left, it will automatically center itself. Okay, so that's the actual container div that's going to have that picture. Now, what about the spin, that's kind of the title of the actual category? Well, the spin is going to be positioned absolutely, and it's going to be again bottom zero, right zero the width is going to be 100%. So, we'll stretch the entire width of that picture we'll center it, we'll give it 1 point m size text. And we'll transform it again to uppercase. The background color will get to be black. And the color be white. And again we'll tune down it's opacity just a tad here so it'll be just a little bit transparent to give us that nice see through effect. 

Okay, the next thing we'll do is the hovering part. We're going to give some box shadow, the same type of box shadow that we had on the front page when you rolled over this particular category and remember, each one of these category items, these pictures, are going to be clickable items. So that's why when you, some sort of a visual indication that a a person can, or the user can click on that. And last thing we're going to do here is target the id menu categories title + div, which means the next sibling to this element. So, let's go take a look what its menu categories title is all the way at the top here and we have menu categories title that's the one that says menu categories. And its next sibling meaning the next element of the same parent, so this H2 has a parent of this div and the next sibling of this H2 is this div right here, so we're saying I want to target the element with this ID and I want to target its next sibling right after it. Which happens to be right here, this substituting white rice stuff. So that one we want to give it a margin of 50 pixels. And the reason we're doing this is because we want to give a nice separation between the title of the page and kind of its subtitle note to the customers and actual menu categories that are going to be underneath. So, we're go ahead and save this and we'll go back to the browser. We can see that, at least the first row, seems to be looking pretty well and the second row is, something's wrong with it. Well, let's go back to our code and let's take a look as to what we've done here. So, they should all be at this point "col-md-3". Let's see if we maybe messed up somewhere. "col-md-3" and sure enough we messed up forgot to do "col-md-3" here. And I think that's about it, right? I think they're all "col-md-3" from there on. Okay, so let's go back to the browser now that we saved it and now they're nicely all nicely aligned, so and if we squeeze them here, squeeze the browser, they'll get a little closer and at some point they'll jump since we haven't really specified anything behind MD, medium screen size, they'll go ahead and start stacking. But obviously, we don't want them to stack just yet, around MD. We want to specify something for the small and the extra small and that is what we're going to deal with in part two of this lecture. 

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CAIG Center For Entrepreneurship

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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