In part one of this lecture, we laid out the menu categories page for the medium and large, and larger screen sizes. In part two, we're going to start looking at smaller screen sizes below medium, so small and extra small. So let's take a look at what we need to do next. Well if at there's four of them meaning it is column three. So that means that maybe it's small. We want column four. So let's go ahead and select each one of these. Regents, courtesy of sublime text editor, that lets us edit multiple regions all at once. Let's go ahead and do that.
Okay, so let's say space, column dash small, and in this case we'll do four, and we'll save that, and let's go to our browser, and let's squeeze it now and let's see if it's going to. Get into three, three. So right now it's one, two, three, four, and when it gets to small screen size should be three of them across the page. Let's get to, there we go. So right now it's three, and whatever doesn't fit just start spilling over to the next line. So what happens when we go even less than that? And they should stack and again there's enough room for at least two of them so we're not ready to stack just yet. So let's go back to editor and what we'll do is we'll do extra small to be six and that way there will be two of them. Again, let's multiple select every region real quick. Make sure I don't miss any this time. It seems to be just about right. New column. Dash extra small six. Okay that sounds about right. We'll save that and we'll go back to the browser, and now if we squeeze it, it will become four to three and from three to two. So, what happens if we squeeze it any more than that?
Hm, seems like there's a problem here, right. It seems like the pictures are just not quite fitting in into this particular screen size break point. Seems like we need just yet another break point just to tell them at this point go ahead and break it up. So there is not smaller break point than extra small. In Bootstrap, so we basically going to have to create our own that is going to say that when we get to a certain point right around here, we'll want the columns to start snacking instead of continuously staying at six columns and six columns, so let's go head and try and do that. Let's go back to our code editor. Let's go to styles.csx and we'll scroll all the way down here. And in this case seems like we already have that from before so, we already have a slower media query from before. So all we really need to do is define one more column class that will actually work for our case. So let's go ahead and do that. And let's call it column dash xxs, so extra, extra small, 12. So at this point is going to be that the element that has this class assigned, is actually going to take the entire grid of 12 columns. Okay, so how do we do this? How do we define this column xx 12. Well, one good trick here is to look in on Bootstrap and to see how it defines column xxs 12. Because really it's exactly the same thing as ours except we are sitting in a different media query then the xs 12. So really exactly the same thing, but now sitting on their different media query, which we already here. So let's go ahead and go to. Let's copy this and we'll modify this in a minute. Let's open up Bootstrap and let's search for column access 12. And there it is, we've found it, so let's see what the styles are for that. And here are the styles. And I'm not sure that I understand all of them I must tell you because I'm not sure why it needs to be relative and I certainly don't understand why it needs to be minimum height of one pixel, but it really doesn't matter for me because I just really want to mimic the same bootstrap behavior. That already exists. So let's go ahead and see if there's anything else that we're missing, what else is there? Oops, I didn't want to erase that. Go and find another one, so there's another place here. And float left so they're all floating left even though again in our case I'm not sure that we really need that, but just to be consistent with Bootstrap I'll go ahead and keep that as one of my styles. Column xs and width 100%. That's a really important one right because. Without width being 100%, we're not really going to be able to stretch the entire width of the screen. And at this small, super small, extra small screen size, we want whatever element gets this class to stretch across and stretch across the entire screen. Now let's see if we have anything else that we need to look at. And I believe that's just jumped right back to where we were, so that's pretty much it. So, now that we defined our column xxs-12, we could save that and go to menu categories at HTML, and then define of every single one of those elements, col-xx 12 access s dash 12 and save that and we go back to our browser and see if that's working. So four goes to three. Goes to two and right around the smaller part here, the super small. It should jump to one and so it does. It actually is working, okay. So, I think we're basically done with this and we could go back to our Menu categories, the HTML and really it's a question of how many categories we have in just basically copy and pasting every single one of them, if we wanted those categories to be manually entered in this page. Now that happens to be, as we're going to go into JavaScript, we're going to dynamically output all these things. So, It really doesn't matter that they're sitting here this way. We're going to take care of that later. But at this point, it's laying out just fine, and the entire layout of the page of many categories is working. So we're done with this page, and we can now move on.
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